Scientific publications linked to SAFER
1. |
2. |
Søreide E, Deakin CD. Pre-hospital fluid therapy in the critically injured patient-a clinical update. Injury 2005;36:1001-10. |
3. |
Søreide E, Eriksson LI, Hirlekar G, Eriksson H, Henneberg SW, Sandin R, Raeder J; (Task Force on Scandinavian Pre-operative Fasting Guidelines, Clinical Practice Committee Scandinavian Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine). Pre-operative fasting guidelines: an update. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2005;49:1041-7. |
4. |
Salthe J, Kristiansen SM, Sollid S, Oglaend B, Soreide E. Capnography rapidly confirmed correct endotracheal tube placement during resuscitation of extremely low birthweight babies (< 1000 g). Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2006;50:1033-6. |
5. |
Heier HE, Bugge W, Hjelmeland K, Soreide E, Sorlie D, Haheim L. Transfusion vs. alternative treatment modalities in acute bleeding: a systematic review. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2006;50:920-31. |
6. |
Søreide E. The Emergency Department – the missing link? An update on the management of patients with severe sepsis. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2006; 14: 202-205 |
7. |
Busch M, Søreide E, Lossius HM, Lexow K, Dickstein K. Rapid implementation of therapeutic hypothermia in comatose out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2006; 50:1277-83. |
8. |
Soreide E, Ljungqvist O. Modern preoperative fasting guidelines: a summary of the present recommendations and remaining questions. Best Pract Res Clin Anaesthesiol. 2006; 20:483-91. |
9. |
Søreide K, Søiland H, Lossius HM, Vetrhus M, Søreide JA, Søreide E. Resuscitative emergency thoracotomy in a Scandinavian trauma hospital–is it justified? Injury 2007; 38:34-42. |
10. |
Søreide E. Therapeutic hypothermia. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2007;127:201. |
11. |
Skeie S, Søreide E, Cooper J. [Insulin infusion for critically ill patients] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2007;127:2378-81. Review. Norwegian. |
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Søreide K, Krüger AJ, Vårdal AL, Ellingsen CL, Søreide E, Lossius HM. Epidemiology and contemporary patterns of trauma deaths: changing place, similar pace, older face. World J Surg 2007;31: 2092-103. |
13. |
Hansen BS, Severinsson E. Intensive care nurses’ perceptions of protocol-directed weaning–a qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2007;23:196-205. |
14. |
Bjørk IT, Hansen BS, Samdal GB, Tørstad S, Hamilton GA. Evaluation of clinical ladder participation in Norway. J Nurs Scholarsh. 2007;39:88-94. |
15. |
Bjørk IT, Samdal GB, Hansen BS, Tørstad S, Hamilton GA. Job satisfaction in a Norwegian population of nurses: a questionnaire survey. Int J Nurs Stud. 2007;44:747-57. |
16. |
Ellingsen CL, Eggebø TM, Lexow K. Amniotic fluid embolism after blunt abdominal trauma. Resuscitation. 2007;75:180-3. |
17. |
Lexow K, Sunde K. Why Norwegian 2005 guidelines differs slightly from the ERC guidelines. Resuscitation. 2007;72:490-2. |
18. |
Sollid SJM, Eidsen K, Aven T, Soreide E. Risk assessment in critical care medicine – a tool to assess patient safety. IN: Risk, Reliability and Social Safety: Proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference 2007 (ESREL 2007), Stavanger, Norway, 25-27 June 2007. Aven T, Vinnem JE (eds). Taylor & Francis , 2007. ISBN 0415447860 |
19. |
Våga A, Busch M, Karlsen TE, Nilsen OB, Søreide E. A pilot study of key nursing aspects with different cooling methods and devices in the ICU. Resuscitation 2008;76:25-30. |
20. |
Gaarder C, Naess PA, Frischknecht Christensen E, Hakala P, Handolin L, Heier HE, Ivancev K, Johansson P, Leppäniemi A, Lippert F, Lossius HM, Opdahl H, Pillgram-Larsen J, Røise O, Skaga NO, Søreide E, Stensballe J, Tønnessen E, Töttermann A, Ortenwall P, Ostlund A. Scandinavian Guidelines -”The massively bleeding patient”. Scand J Surg 2008; 97:15-36. |
21. |
Søreide E, Sunde K. Therapeutic hypothermia after out-of hospital cardiac arrest: how to secure worldwide implementation. Curr Opin Anaesthesiol 2008 ;21(2): 209-15. |
22. |
Bjørshol CA, Søreide E, Torsteinbø TH, Lexow K, Nilsen OB, Sunde K. Quality of chest compressions during 10min of single-rescuer basic life support with different compression: ventilation ratios in a manikin model. Resuscitation 2008;77:95-100. |
23. |
Ersdal HL, Verkuyl DA, Björklund K, Bergström S. Symphysiotomy in Zimbabwe; postoperative outcome, width of the symphysis joint, and knowledge, attitudes and practice among doctors and midwives. PLoS ONE. 2008;3(10):e3317 |
24. |
Sollid SJ, Heltne JK, Soreide E, Lossius HM: Pre-hospital advanced airway management by anaesthesiologists: Is there still room for improvement? Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2008; 16: 2 |
25. |
Busch M, Soreide E: Prognostication after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, a clinical survey. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2008; 16: 9 |
26. |
Hansen BS, Fjaelberg WT, Nilsen OB, Lossius HM, Soreide E: Mechanical ventilation in the ICU- is there a gap between the time available and time used for nurse-led weaning? Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2008; 16: 17 |
27. |
Sollid SJ, Strand K, Soreide E: Percutanous dilatational tracheotomy in the ICU: a Norwegian survey focusing on perceived risk and safety attitudes. Eur J Anaesthesiol 2008; 25: 925-32. |
28. |
Castrén M, Karlsten R, Lippert F, Christensen EF, Bovim E, Kvam AM, Robertson-Steel I, Overton J, Kraft T, Engerstrom L, Garcia-Castrill Riego L; Emergency Medical Dispatch expert group at the Utstein Consensus Symposium 2005. Recommended guidelines for reporting on emergency medical dispatch when conducting research in emergency medicine: the Utstein style. Resuscitation. 2008;79:193-7. |
29. |
Verkyul DA, Ersdal HL, Raassen TJ. Absence of proper training in symphysiotomies resulted in this operation being underused, performed when contraindicated and possibly in a specific kind of urinary fistula. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2008;87:1380-3; 1383-4 |
30. |
Hovancsek M, Jeffries PR, Escudero E, Foulds BJ, Husebø SE, Iwamoto Y, Kelly M, Petrini M & Wang A. Creating Simulation Communities of practice: An International Perspective. Nurs Educ Perspt 2009;30: 121-125. |
31. |
Bjørk IT, Tørstad S, Hansen BS, Samdal GB. Estimating the cost of professional developmental activities in health organizations. Nurs Econ. 2009;27:239-44. |
32. |
Olsen KD, Dysvik E, Hansen BS. The meaning of family members’ presence during intensive care stay: a qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2009;25:190-8. |
33. |
Hansen BS, Severinsson E. Dissemination of research-based knowledge in an intensive care unit-a qualitative study. Intensive Crit Care Nurs. 2009;25:147-54. |
34. |
Hansen BS, Severinsson E. Physicians’ perceptions of protocol-directed weaning in an intensive care unit in Norway. Nurs Health Sci. 2009;11:71-6. |
35. |
Sollid SJ, Lockey D, Lossius HM. A consensus-based template for uniform reporting of data from pre-hospital advanced airway management. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2009; 17:58. |
36. |
Bjørshol CA, Lindner TW, Søreide E, Moen L, Sunde K. Hospital employees improve basic life support skills and confidence with a personal resuscitation manikin and a 24-min video instruction. Resuscitation 2009; 80:898-902. |
37. |
Strand K, Søreide E, Aardal S, Flaatten H. A comparison of SAPS II and SAPS 3 in a Norwegian intensive care unit population. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2009; 53:595-600. |
38. |
Søreide E. Prehospital cooling in cardiac arrest–the next frontier? Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2009;17:54. |
39. |
Skogvoll E, Lexow K. [Heart arrest–definition and occurrence]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2009;129:1351-2. |
40. |
Breuer JP, Bosse G, Seifert S, Prochnow L, Martin J, Schleppers A, Geldner G, Soreide E, Spies C. Pre-operative fasting: a nationwide survey of German anaesthesia departments. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2010; 54:313-20. |
41. |
Flaatten H, Søreide E. [Intensive medicine in Norway]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen 2010;130:166-8. |
42. |
Torgersen J, Strand K, Bjelland TW, Klepstad P, Kvåle R, Søreide E, Wentzel-Larsen T, Flaatten H. Cognitive dysfunction and health-related quality of life after a cardiac arrest and therapeutic hypothermia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2010; 54:721-28 |
43. |
Busch M, Søreide E. Successful use of therapeutic hypothermia in an opiate induced out-of-hospital cardiac arrest complicated by severe hypoglycaemia and amphetamine intoxication: a case report. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2010;18:4. |
44. |
Sollid SJ, Lossius HM, Nakstad AR, Aven T, Soreide E. Risk assessment of pre-hospital trauma airway management by anaesthesiologists using the predictive Bayesian approach. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2010;18:22. |
45. |
Sollid SJ, Lossius HM, Soreide E. Pre-hospital intubation by anaesthesiologists in patients with severe trauma: an audit of a Norwegian helicopter emergency medical service. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2010; 18:30. |
46. |
Sollid SJM, Eidesen K, Aven T, Søreide E. Assessing the risk of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy in ICUs using a broad event-consequence-uncertainty perspective. International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine 2010;22: 115–129. |
47. |
Neset A, Birkenes TS, Myklebust H, et al. A randomized trial of the capability of elderly lay persons to perform chest compression only CPR versus standard 30:2 CPR. Resuscitation 2010;81:887-92. |
48. |
Strand K, Walther SM, Reinikainen M, Ala-Kokko T, Nolin T, Martner J, Mussalo P, Søreide E, Flaatten HK. Variations in the length of stay of intensive care unit nonsurvivors in three scandinavian countries. Crit Care. 2010;14:R175. |
49. |
Åneman A, Mellin-Olsen J, Søreide E; SSAI Position Paper Task Force. The future role of the Scandinavian anaesthesiologist: a web-based survey. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54:1071-6. |
50. |
Søreide E, Kalman S, Åneman A, Nørregaard O, Pere P, Mellin-Olsen J; Position Paper Task Force. Shaping the future of Scandinavian anaesthesiology: a position paper by the SSAI. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2010;54:1062-70. |
51. |
Bjørshol CA, Myklebust H, Nilsen KL, Hoff T, Bjørkli C, Illguth E, Søreide E, Sunde K. Effect of socioemotional stress on the quality of cardiopulmonary resuscitation during advanced life support in a randomized manikin study. Crit Care Med. 2011; 39:300-4. |
52. |
Husebø SE, Rystedt H & Friberg F. Educating for teamwork – nursing students’ coordination in simulated cardiac arrest situations. J Adv Nurs 2011, 67, 2239–55. |
53. |
Nestel D, Groom J, Husebø SE & O’Donnell JM. Simulation for Learning and Teaching Procedural Skills. The State of the Science. Simulation in Healthcare 2011, 6, S10-13. |
54. |
Busch M, Søreide E. Should advanced age be a limiting factor in providing therapeutic hypothermia to cardiac arrest survivors? A single center observational study. Ther Hypo Temp Manag 2011; 1: 29-32. |
55. |
Hansen BS, Søreide E, Warland AM, Nilsen OB. Risk factors of post-operative urinary retention in hospitalised patients. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2011; 55: 545-8. |
56. |
Sunde K, Søreide E. Therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest: where are we now? Curr Opin Crit Care. 2011;17:247-53. |
57. |
Thorsen K, Ringdal KG, Strand K, Søreide E, Hagemo J, Søreide K. Clinical and cellular effects of hypothermia, acidosis and coagulopathy in major injury. Br J Surg. 2011;98:894-907. |
58. |
Smith I, Kranke P, Murat I, Smith A, O’Sullivan G, Søreide E, Spies C, in’t Veld B; European Society of Anaesthesiology. Perioperative fasting in adults and children: guidelines from the European Society of Anaesthesiology. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2011;28:556-69 |
59. |
H Elsharkawi, H Sandbladh, T Aloudat, A Girardau, I Tjoflåt and C Brunnström. Preparing Humanitarian Workers for Future Disaster Response: A Red Cross Field Training Model. Humanitarian Exchange Magazine 2010, 46, 45-47 |
60. |
Lindner TW, Søreide E, Nilsen OB, Mathisen W, Lossius HM. Good outcome in every fourth resuscitation attempt is achievable-An Utstein template report from the Stavanger region. Resuscitation 2011; 82: 1508-13. |
61. |
Bjørshol CA, Sunde K, Myklebust H, Assmus J, Søreide E. Decay in chest compression quality due to fatigue is rare during prolonged advanced life support in a manikin model. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2011;19:46. |
62. |
Husebø SE, Friberg F, Søreide E, Rystedt H. Instructional problems in briefings: how to prepare nursing students for simulation-based cardiopulmonary resuscitation training. Clinical Simulation in Nursing 2011; e-pub June 2011. |
63. |
Hansen BS, Gundersen EM, Bjørnå GB. Improving student supervision in a Norwegian intensive care unit: a qualitative study. Nurs Health Sci. 2011;13:255-61. |
64. |
Aarsetoey H, Aarsetoey R, Lindner T, Staines H, Harris WS, Nilsen DW. Low levels of the omega-3 index are associated with sudden cardiac arrest and remain stable in survivors in the subacute phase. Lipids. 2011;46:151-61. |
65. |
Fevang E, Lockey D, Thompson J, Lossius HM; Torpo Research Collaboration. The top five research priorities in physician-provided pre-hospital critical care: a consensus report from a European research collaboration. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2011;19:57. |
66. |
Rehn M, Lossius HM, Tjosevik KE, Vetrhus M, Østebø O, Eken T; Rogaland Trauma System Study Collaborating Group. Efficacy of a two-tiered trauma team activation protocol in a Norwegian trauma centre. Br J Surg. 2012;99:199-208. |
67. |
Ersdal HL, Mduma E, Svensen E, Sundby J, Perlman JM. Intermittent Detection of Fetal Heart Rate Abnormalities Identify Infants at Greatest Risk for Fresh Stillbirths, Birth Asphyxia, Neonatal Resuscitation, and Early Neonatal Deaths in a Resource Limited Setting. Neonatology 2012;102:235-42 |
68. |
Ersdal HL, Mduma E, Svensen E, Perlman JM. Birth Asphyxia: A Major Cause of Early Neonatal Mortality in a Tanzanian Rural Hospital. Pediatrics 2012;129:1238-43. |
69. |
Oveland NP, Sloth E, Andersen G, Lossius HM. A porcine pneumothorax model for teaching ultrasound diagnostics. Acad Emerg Med. 2012;19:586-92. |
70. |
Neset A, Birkenes TS, Furunes T, et al. A randomized trial on elderly laypersons’ CPR performance in a realistic cardiac arrest simulation. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2012;56:124-31. |
71. |
Bjørkli CA, Øvergård KI, Bjørshol CA, Myklebust H, Hoff T. Effects of socio-emotional stressors on ventilation rate and subjective workload during simulated CPR by lay rescuers. Appl Ergon. 2012;43: 799-802. |
72. |
Erdal HL, Mduma E, Svensen E, Perlman JM. Early initiation of basic resuscitation interventions including face mask ventilation may reduce birth asphyxia related mortality in low-income countries. Resuscitation 2012;83:869-73. |
73. |
Tjoflåt I. & Karlsen B. Challenges in sharing knowledge; reflections from an expatriate nurse working in a hospital in South Sudan. International Nursing Review 2012, 59, 489-93. |
74. |
Birkenes TS, Myklebust H, Neset A, et al. Video analysis of dispatcher-rescuer teamwork-Effects on CPR technique and performance. Resuscitation 2012;83:494-9. |
75. |
Husebø SE, Bjørshol CA, Rystedt H, Friberg F, Søreide E. A comparative study of defibrillation and cardiopulmonary resuscitation performance during simulated cardiac arrest in nursing student teams. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2012;20:23. |
76. |
Hansen BS, Rørtveit K, Leiknes I, Morken I, Testad I, Joa I, Severinsson E. Patient experiences of uncertainty – a synthesis to guide nursing practice and research. J Nurs Manag. 2012;20:266-77. |
77. |
Rasmussen MB, Dieckmann P, Barry Issenberg S, Ostergaard D, Søreide E, Ringsted CV. Long-term intended and unintended experiences after Advanced Life Support training. Resuscitation. 2012; |
78. |
Johnsen AS, Fattah S, Sollid SJ, Rehn M. Impact of helicopter emergency medical services in major incidents: systematic literature review. BMJ Open. 2013;3:e003335. |
79. |
Oveland NP, Lossius HM, Aagaard R, Connolly J, Sloth E, Knudsen L. Animal laboratory training improves lung ultrasound proficiency and speed. J Emerg Med. 2013;45:e71-8. |
80. |
Oveland NP, Lossius HM, Wemmelund K, Stokkeland PJ, Knudsen L, Sloth E. Using thoracic ultrasonography to accurately assess pneumothorax progression during positive pressure ventilation: a comparison with CT scanning. Chest. 2013;143:415-22. |
81. |
Ersdal HL, Singhal N. Resuscitation in Resource-limited Settings. Invited Review article. Semin Fetal Neonatal Med. 2013;18:373-8. |
82. |
Ersdal HL, Vossius C, Bayo E, Mduma E, Perlman JM, Lippert A, Søreide E. A one-day “Helping Babies Breathe” Course Improves Simulated Performance but not Clinical Management of Neonates. Resuscitation 2013;84:1422-1427. |
83. |
EJT Nelissen, HL Ersdal, D Østergaard, ER Mduma et al. Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth: An Educational Intervention Study of Simulation-Based Training in a Low-Resource Setting. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2013; doi |
84. |
EJT Nelissen, E Mduma, HL Ersdal, B Evjen-Olsen, J van Roosmalen, J Stekelenburg. Maternal near miss and mortality in a rural referral hospital in northern Tanzania: a cross-sectional study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2013;13:141 |
85. |
EJT Nelissen, E Mduma, JEW Broerse, HL Ersdal, B Evjen-Olsen, J van Roosmalen, J Stekelenburg. Applicability of the WHO Maternal Near Miss Criteria in a Low-Resource Setting. PLOS One 2013; |
86. |
Msemo G, Massawe A, Mmbando D, Mwizamuholya D, Ersdal HL, Perlman J. Newborn Mortality and Fresh Stillbirth Rates in Tanzania After Helping Babies Breathe Training. Pediatrics 2013; 131: 353-60 |
87. |
Husebø SE, Dieckmann P, Rystedt H, Søreide E, Friberg F. The relationship between facilitators’ questions and the level of reflection in postsimulation debriefing. Simul Healthc. 2013;8:135-42. |
88. |
Oveland NP, Søreide E, Lossius HM, Johannessen F, Wemmelund KB, Aagaard R, Sloth E. The intrapleural volume threshold for ultrasound detection of pneumothoraces: an experimental study on porcine models. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2013;21:11. |
89. |
Søreide E, Baardsen R. Probabilities, predictors, and self-fulfilling prophecies. Crit Care Med 2013; 41:1158-60. |
90. |
Tjoflåt I & Karlsen B (2013) Building clinical practice in the Palestine Red Crescent operation theatres in Lebanon: reflections from the perspective of an expatriate nurse. International Nursing Review 2013;60:545-549. |
91. |
Lindner TW, Langorgen J, Sunde K, Larsen AI, Kvaloy JT, Heltne JK, Draegni T, Soreide E. Factors predicting the use of therapeutic hypothermia and survival in unconscious out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients admitted to the ICU. Crit Care 2013;17: R147. |
92. |
Søreide E, Morrison L, Hillman K, Monsieurs K, Sunde K, Zideman D, Eisenberg M, Sterz F, Nadkarni VM, Soar J, Nolan JP; on behalf of the Utstein Formula for Survival Collaborators. The Formula for Survival in Resuscitation. Resuscitation 2013;84:1487-93. |
93. |
Aase I, Aase K, Dieckmann P. Teaching interprofessional teamwork in medical and nursing education in Norway: a content analysis. J Interprof Care. 2013;27:238-45. |
94. |
Dyrstad DN, Hansen BS, Gundersen EM. Factors that influence user satisfaction: tracheotomised home mechanical ventilation users’ experiences. J Clin Nurs. 2013; 22:331-8. |
95. |
Clemmesen L, Bendtsen TF, Sloth E, Oveland NP, Knudsen L. [Gelatine phantom for training of ultrasound guided vascular access]. Ugeskr Laeger 2013;175:576-8. |
96. |
Birkenes TS, Myklebust H, Kramer-Johansen J. Time delays and capability of elderly to activate speaker function for continuous telephone CPR. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2013;21:40. |
97. |
Birkenes TS, Myklebust H, Kramer-Johansen J. New pre-arrival instructions can avoid abdominal hand placement for chest compressions. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2013;21:47. |
98. |
Søreide E, Åneman A. Your call is important to us. Do not put your medical emergency team on hold. Crit Care Med 2014; 42:195-6. |
99. |
Sollid SJ, Søreide E. Human factors play a vital role in the outcome of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. Crit Care. 2014;18:409. |
100. |
Abrahamsen HB, Sollid SJ, Öhlund LS, Røislien J, Bondevik GT. Simulation-based training and assessment of non-technical skills in the Norwegian Helicopter Emergency Medical Services: a cross-sectional survey. Emerg Med J. 2014 Oct 24. |
101. |
Søreide E, Lockey D. To intubate or not to intubate-is that (the only) question? Crit Care Med. 2014;42:1543-4. |
102. |
Vu H, Eftestøl T, Engan K, Eilevstjønn J, Linde J, Ersdal H. Exploratory Analysis of Ventilation Signals from Resuscitation Data of Newborns. Congress paper, IEEE/CAS-EMB Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference 2014. |
103. |
Vu H, Eftestøl T, Engan K, Eilevstjønn J, Linde J, Ersdal H. Exploratory Analysis of Heart Rate Changes in Newborns to Investigate the Effectiveness of Bag-Mask Ventilation. Congress paper, The Computing in Cardiology 2014. |
104. |
Ersdal HL, Linde J, Mduma ER, Auestad BH, Perlman J. Neonatal Outcome Following Cord Clamping After Onset of Spontaneous Respiration. Pediatrics 2014; 134:265-72 |
105. |
Vossius C, Lotto E, Lyanga S, Mduma E, Msemo G, Perlman J, Ersdal HL. Cost-effectiveness of the “Helping Babies Breathe” program in a rural hospital in Tanzania. PLOS One 2014; |
106. |
Lindner T, Vossius C, Mathiesen WT, Søreide E. Life years saved, standardised mortality rates and causes of death after hospital discharge in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors. Resuscitation. 2014;85:671-5. |
107. |
Sollid SJ, Søreide E. Human factors play a vital role in the outcome of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy. Crit Care. 2014;18:409. |
108. |
Aase I, Hansen BS, Aase K. Norwegian nursing and medical students’ perception of interprofessional teamwork: a qualitative study. BMC Med Educ. 2014;14:170. |
109. |
Dankiewicz J, Schmidbauer S, Nielsen N, Kern KB, Mooney MR, Stammet P, Riker RR, Rubertsson S, Seder D, Smid O, Sunde K, Søreide E, Unger BT, Friberg H. Safety, feasibility, and outcomes of induced hypothermia therapy following in-hospital cardiac arrest-evaluation of a large prospective registry. Crit Care Med. 2014;42:2537-45. |
110. |
Birkenes TS, Myklebust H, Neset A, et al. Quality of CPR performed by trained bystanders with optimized pre-arrival instructions. Resuscitation 2014;85:124-30. |
111. |
Rasmussen MB, Tolsgaard MG, Dieckmann P, Issenberg SB, Ostergaard D, Søreide E, Rosenberg J, Ringsted CV. Factors relating to the perceived management of emergency situations: a survey of former Advanced Life Support course participants’ clinical experiences. Resuscitation. 2014;85:1726-31. |
112. |
Søreide E, Busch M. Do we really know who benefits from targeted temperature management? Resuscitation. 2014;85:1621-2. |
113. |
Lindner TW, Deakin CD, Aarsetøy H, Rubertsson S, Heltne JK, Søreide E. A pilotstudy of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) genotype and return of spontaneous circulation following out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Open Heart. 2014;1:e000138. |
114. |
Søreide E. Implementation science and targeted temperature management: the good news and the bad. Crit Care Med. 2015;43:1135-6. |
115. |
Husebø SE, O’Reagan S, Nestel D. Reflective practice and its role in simulation. Clinical simulation in nursing 2015; 11: 368-375. |
116. |
Olsen ØE, Husebø SE, Qvindesland SA & Lorentzen H. Redefining clinical leadership for team-course development. Journal of Hospital Administration 2015; 4: 52-60. |
117. |
Egenberg S, Øian P, Bru LE, Sautter M, Kristoffersen G, Eggebø TM. Can inter-professional simulation training influence the frequency of blood transfusions after birth? Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2015;94:316-23. |
118. |
Karlsson V, Dankiewicz J, Nielsen N, Kern KB, Mooney MR, Riker RR, Rubertsson S, Seder DB, Stammet P, Sunde K, Søreide E, Unger BT, Friberg H. Association of gender to outcome after out-of-hospital cardiac arrest – a report from the International Cardiac Arrest Registry. Crit Care. 2015;19:182. |
119. |
Hyldmo PK, Vist GE, Feyling AC, Rognås L, Magnusson V, Sandberg M, Søreide E. Is the supine position associated with loss of airway patency in unconscious trauma patients? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2015;23:50. |
120. |
Hyldmo PK, Vist GE, Feyling AC, Rognås L, Magnusson V, Sandberg M, Søreide E. Does turning trauma patients with an unstable spinal injury from the supine to a lateral position increase the risk of neurological deterioration? – A systematic review. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2015;23:65. |
121. |
Wyllie J, Perlman J, Kattwinkel J et al. Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Resuscitation 2015;95:e169-201. |
122. |
Smart JR, Kranz K, Carmona F, Lindner TW, Newton A. Does real-time objective feedback and competition improve performance and quality in manikin CPR training–a prospective observational study from several European EMS. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2015;23:79. |
123. |
Birkenes TS, Myklebust H, Hardeland C, et al. How to train for telephone-CPR. Trends in Anaesthesia and Critical Care 2015; |
124. |
Perlman J, Wyllie J, Kattwinkel J et al. Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations. Circulation 2015;132:S204–S241. |
125. |
Perlman J, Wyllie J, Kattwinkel J et al. Part 7: Neonatal Resuscitation: 2015 International Consensus on Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Science With Treatment Recommendations (Reprint). Pediatrics 2015, Volume 136/ISSUE Supplement 2. |
126. |
Thallinger M, Ersdal H, Eilevstjønn J, Ombay C, Størdal K. Manikin ventilation comparing new upright neonatal resuscitator to standard equipment. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal 2015;0:F1-F5. |
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E Nelissen, H Ersdal, E Mduma, B Evjen-Olsen, J Broerse, J van Roosmalen, J Stekelenburg. Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth: retention of knowledge, skills, and confidence nine months after training. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2015; 15:190-197. |
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Mduma E, Ersdal H, Svensen E, Kidanto H, Auestad B, Perlman J. Frequent brief on-site simulation training and reduction in 24-hour neonatal mortality – an educational intervention study. Resuscitation 2015: 93:1-7 |
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Søreide E, Larsen AI. Post resuscitation care – some words of caution and a call for action. Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med. 2015;23:89. |
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Kidanto H, Msemo G, Mmbando D, Rusibamayila N, Ersdal H, Perlman J. Predisposing Factors Associated with Stillbirths in Tanzania- Opportunities for Prevention. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2015; 130: 70-73. |
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Ersdal H, Linde J, Auestad B, Mduma E, Lyanga S, Svensen E, Perlman J. Cord Clamping in Relation to Breathing or Ventilation among Depressed Infants and 24-hour Outcome. BJOG 2015 (In press) |
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