SAFER/Safersound har vært i Warszawa, Lublin og Krakow den siste uka og undervist engasjerte medisinstudenter i ultralyd. Til høsten blir det bl.a kurs i Budapest.

UltraBox is a package deal where we bring ultrasonography to your university or workplace. UltraBox contains several ultrasound machines, both stationary and hand-held versions. It also contains various training models/simulators which allows the participants to scan for pathology as they would be in real life. In addition to this UltraBox also brings you instructors to help you with the equipment, and guide your practice throughout the day. There are also possibilities with guidance from US-experts via a video conferencing session.
Photographer: Øystein Julien
UltraBox offers online lectures and resources prior to the practical part of the course. This aims to give the participants a solid theoretical knowledge in advance, allowing you to spend the day of the course doing hands-on training.
UltraBox’s main aim is to offer health care professionals an introduction to point-of-care ultrasonography (POC-US).
By breaking down the elements involved POC-US becomes an attainable skill, even for those without experience with ultrasonography. In doing so we seek to motivate the participants to pursue further knowledge within the field.
Ultrabox course includes:
- E-learning/video lectures prior to course.
- Mini-lectures on site.
- Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (FAST) – Hands on training.
- Basic Focus Assessed Transthoracic Echocardiography (FATE) – Hands on training.
- Basic Lung Ultrasound (LUS) – Hands on training.
- Basic Peripheral ultrasound guided vascular access (UGVA) – Hands on training.
Next UltraBox-course:
- Ultrabox-tour in Poland spring 2015